Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 2

Today I was feeling a bit more refreshed than the previous day.  The kitchen timer worked well and I hit the 6 am and 10 am naps on time and didn't oversleep.  The 2 pm nap got pushed to about 2:30 but was still fine.  Once again I woke up with the alarm.  The 6 pm nap was pushed to about 7:10 because I was watching a movie and then remembered I had my astronomy final today.  This nap wasn't as refreshing, but that is probably because instead of in my bed I took this nap on the rocky dirt ground outside the classroom.  I still managed to get to sleep but it was more difficult.  All in all day 2 was pretty comfortable during the day time.

At night I didn't get as refreshed as I was hoping.  I didn't oversleep, but waking up after 10 pm and then again at 2am.  I was very spacey and just kept rambling on if anyone asked.  Most of my AIM conversations became less and less sophisticated.  I also learned I am very honest when really tired just because I don't think about things, I just say them.  I am also much more affectionate. I'm not sure about the science behind that, but it's another thing I noticed.  

Now towards the end of the 2:30-6 am session I feel more awake, partially because I went outside instead of just staying at my computer.  I think going outside really helps to wake someone up.  Now that I am back inside though, I am getting sleepier and sleepier.  It is difficult just writing this at this point because I my eyes keep closing and I forget where I was in the sentence.  

I'm hoping either today or tomorrow I will be able to start having REM sleep and get some valuable rest.  I also look forward to the dreams, and once I get into it, I'll have 6 dreams each 24 hour period.  

I am really starting to think that I am more tired during the night sessions than the day ones.  If thats true then things will start to get better tomorrow as time goes on.  It is possible that I either made it over the hump, or this new day is the hump.  Hopefully its the former.  

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